The Health Leader Co

Introducing The Health Leader Co.

June 30, 20234 min read

"The busier you are, the more intentional you must be."  ~ Michael Hyatt

Drumroll… it is with HUGE excitement that we are able to announce… our new brand!

There have been times of hard work putting it together, but right from the start it has felt like it was meant to be.

You see, the three of us have had a similar vision for years.

Elicia and James Crook from Massage Champions have delivered business coaching and mentoring to hundreds of therapists and health professionals, helping them to become fully booked without burnout.

And Christine Knox from CK Massage Training is well known as an international trainer who has developed specialised programs in remedial hot stones and gentle scar therapy, increasing the joy and longevity that practitioners can experience.

All three of us have a passion for the massage and bodywork industry, and a love of education and growth.

And we’ve also shared more than a few clients!

So when the idea first surfaced and we began looking at how we might work together more closely… the conversation took a few twists and turns… but it soon became obvious that we were very much aligned… and in a great position to converge to create something new.

So we took the leap!

And what was two, now became one… The Health Leader Co.

The convergence of Massage Champions and CK Massage Training has given us a huge opportunity to set intentional goals, and our aligned vision has made the process of creating a new brand a hugely positive experience.

And in true convergence, the new company is able to do even more with all of us together than the two separate businesses ever could.

So we (James, Elicia and Christine) created the Health Leader Co. as a way to elevate hands-on professionals in both their hands-on skills and business confidence.

But behind the shared values and the “oohs and aahs” of our shiny new logo… is a whole lot of careful thought, tons of heart and a truckload of inspired action.

It’s been fun – but it hasn’t been easy!

My inner wild child would love to tell tales of passionate wranglings over colours and names…

However the truth is our combined business experience and focus on our purpose has served us well, and we only had a few very small tantrums on our journey to create a new brand designed to help hands-on practitioners in the health and wellness space.

So how did we decide on such a beautiful brand so easily?

We essentially did one very smart thing:

We got help.

The result created a strong foundation for us to build our new business on.

We reached out to business coaches, mentors, accountants, and lawyers.

I recall Diane Gray - the very first coach we received help from in this process - introduced us to our new friends ‘Frank’ and ‘Fearless’. These two gave us a way to speak our truths respectfully and bravely.

And then Heather Yelland helped us understand how we each operate when in flow, and we were able to identify roles and tasks that lift us to be at our best - through personality profiling.

So we knew each other’s strengths and had a framework for connected and vulnerable conversations. Can you imagine the energy and inspiration this gives us?

The actual conversation about names and colours only took about an hour or so. We got some ideas together and asked our favourite clients for feedback - and you can see the result in front of you.

The legal documents, accounting, insurance, technology - all of that had to be done as well of course, but with a talented team supporting us we have been able to bring that inspiration to life!

In short… the reason we have converged into a new brand is to connect with you and to make an inspired difference, so that you can be empowered and grow your practice.

What does this mean for our programs?

The programs themselves will be delivered exactly as before - with the added benefit of more coaching and mentoring available as we have more expertise to draw from.

So keep an eye out for what is coming up next!

What if you’re a current or past client?

The new company is a convergence of the previous ones, and all of us are partners. So we are still here in the same we we’ve always been… just with a new logo!

What will happen with our social media and websites?

We’re in process of switching the brand name and logos… so everything should change to The Health Leader Co. very soon.

But don't worry, you’ll still see the same people here, just on a new page address!

Where can you get in touch?

Got a question about what we're doing, or simply want to chat?

We’d love to connect!

Use the little chat icon in the lower corner of this page, visit our new The Health Leader Co. website or reach out on our social media. I can’t want to hear from you!

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PS Whenever you're ready... here are 4 ways we can help you have a practice you love:

1. Grab the amazing stuff we give away for Free

Including videos, trainings, case studies and support through our free private groups. Connect in to see what will work for you! – Get the free stuff here

2. Read our transformative business books

Take a look at our books that will help you succeed in this industry: "Fully Booked Without Burnout" and "Your Practice! Your Ticket to Joy, Happiness & Profitability" – Get the books here

3. Elevate your results with a specialist skill

Discover one of these new techniques to improve your results while saving your hands and creating an experience clients will love – Remedial Hot Stones or Gentle Scar Therapy

4. Simplify growing your business

If you'd like to grow into the next level of your business with more confidence, no matter what stage you are right now – Fully Booked Bootcamp or 6 Figure Business Mastery

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