Lee Ermel Bojic is a Massage Therapist based in Regina, Canada. She has an impressive 23 years experience in the industry and loves treating her clients just as much today as she did when she first started.
Like some Massage Therapists and mums out there, a lot of Lee’s career in the Industry has been working from home. It was the perfect opportunity that allowed her to help people and work around her family.
She’s the first to admit that for a lot of her 23 years in the industry she treated her business like a side gig but now her “little people” are all at school, over the last 5 years she’s been focused on changing her mindset to see herself not only as a Wife and Mother but also an amazing business owner.
In today’s episode Lee shares with us why she became a Massage Therapist even though she’d never had a massage herself! As well as her journey, leaps of faith and the mindset shifts she’s had as she expanded from a home based business into a commercial business in the middle of a Global Pandemic.