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valentines day workshop

How To Use Valentine’s Day To Run That Workshop You Always Wanted To Run

January 26, 20164 min read

My Name is Elicia from Fully Booked Without Burnout – I’m a business Coach for Massage Therapists.
My goal is to help Therapists get business - so that they understand how grow their business and impact more people with Massage.

One of the reasons I started Coaching was because I saw so many great Massage Therapists who totally rock at what they do but they don't know how to attract more of their ideal clients or have the confidence to promote what it is they do.

How to Use Valentine’s Day to run that workshop you always wanted to run

One of the big things that jumps out to me when talking to Therapists throughout Australia is that there is such a burning passion with so many to run workshops.

The biggest thing holding them back is simply not knowing where to start. This will ensure you know the right steps to take to sun a successful workshop.

One of the easy ways to get traction and run a successful massage workshop is to run it for couples and Valentines Day – is a brilliant way to market this.

Pick your topic – This will depend on who you want to attend your workshop. For example if you love working with couples, then, you could run a couples workshop where you teach them to massage each other. You will only need to demonstrate on someone (when I ran something like this, I had my amazing hubby on hand for the morning and for his time, he got lots seated shoulder massages!) If you wanted to run a workshop for mothers and daughters or you could do it for sisters. If they bring a partner to work with, it means they will be more comfortable and it will give them someone to practice on at home. We called Ours: Learn the Ancient Art of Seated Massage.

Ticket sales -
Now that you have your awesome topic and you know who you are running it for, now its time to sell some tickets! There are a few different options like Eventbright and Trybooking. These allow you to put your info on their site and they handle the payments for you. Very much worth the investment!
Content – Now what do you teach? :D this is the fun bit! When you create your content – you want to make sure that you’re not going to just read it off the page – it needs to be communicated in a clear and fun way that your audience will engage with. Whatever you choose to teach can also become your take home manual. Add in a few pics of your steps and DONE!

Marketing – now – to get people along! Facebook is a great platform to use, both your business page nad closed FB groups are a great place to start. You can also advertise in your local paper and of course in your clinic to your current clients as well as promoting it in your email newsletter.

On the day - #myawesomeworkshop Make it amazing! Leave yourself pliantly of time. Wow them with a gift bag or a welcome pack. Of course, you just factor this into your costs when you set your prices. Include some nibbles and or a coffee or juice as part of the event. This is a fantastic way of getting momentum for your next event so make sure your take photos before everyone arrives, see if you can squeeze in a selfie :D and post it to Social Media – there will be people watching on thinking – DOH! I should have gone – next time, I’ll be there…

What you need to do to run a successful workshop is make sure you have a really clear goal in mind for the event, who you want to target, what’s the intention behind this? Is it to serve your current clients even more? Is it to attract new people to your clinic or is it to show your community that you are the trusted adviser when it comes to massage? Once you have that sorted, then go ahead and think about the content and what you want to teach. Will this be a 2 hour workshop to teach one area of the body or is this a weekend relaxation course? Then create the content and presto! Your workshop is nailed.

By understanding these 5 steps, you can create that workshop you have always dreamed of and make it a reality to change lives, impact the world and create a rocking massage business!


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