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winners catch up list

Will YOU Be a Winner?

February 06, 20173 min read

Are you ready to take your business to the next level?

Let’s look at why some people start Fully Booked Without Burnout program:

  • Because they want to start a new business

  • Because something in the business is not going right

  • Because they want to take their business to the next level

Whatever your reasons are, what you have in common is that you want to succeed in what you do and you acknowledge that you need help to make it happen.

There are 3 elements to this program that help to make it the best business training for Massage therapists and Myotherapists available.

Content - you’re going to be learning a BUNCH of AWESOME things

Community - getting to know other like minded therapists

Accountability - to execute everything you are learning in the program.

The purpose of this post is to help you understand how we do accountability here in the program.

The Catch-up list

One of the most powerful and sometimes controversial parts of our Fully Booked Without Burnout program is the “ Winners List” and the “Catch-up list”.

The winners list is the list of people who get their lessons done on time each day (or when they say they will if something comes up)  and is our simple way of acknowledging the hard work of those who have completed their homework.

The catch up list is for people in the group who may have missed or skipped a lesson or two in the week’s set of lessons. We literally list the people who need to catch up.

Obviously - we want everyone on the winner list!

Understandably, the Catch-up list elicits different reactions from people in the program. There are those who are fueled by it – they jump into the lessons right away to get them done – and there are those who stress about it.

Then, there are those who use their appearance on the list to take a step back, evaluate their situation and come up with a solution in order to accomplish what they need to accomplish and move forward. This is the mindset that we’re looking for and the culture we’re trying to build.

Take charge of your business

The purpose of the Catch-up list is to help you stay focused on your business goals.

Growing a business while staying committed to the people you love is hard, and life will throw you a lot of excuses to not push through with your goals.

But that’s what we’re here for. We’re here to keep you accountable no matter what.

The Catch-Up list is not there to add pressure into your already hectic life. It is there to help keep you updated on your progress and to remind you that there are things in your business that need to get done. After all, you are in the program because you have goals for your business, and there are steps that you need to take to accomplish those goals.

Accountability is important in any business. When there’s no one cheering you on and pushing you, it is harder to resist the temptation to give up on your dreams.

How to deal with the Catch-up list

So what do you do when your name is in the Catch-up list?

First of all, breathe. Your name is there because there’s something you need to get done for your business, that’s all.

Secondly, jot down the lessons you missed and the homework you need to work on. Then, evaluate your situation.

What are the things that hindered you from working on the lessons?

Then, work out the perfect solution. Check your schedule and fit it in. It helps to mark it in the soonest possible time.

If you need help figuring things out, holler to your coaches. Most of the time, two heads are better than one in creating a solution to a situation.

Besides, our problems have a tendency of blurring our vision that we need a fresh set of eyes to see what can be done.

Lastly, follow your plan and celebrate your win!


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PS Whenever you're ready... here are 4 ways we can help you have a practice you love:

1. Grab the amazing stuff we give away for Free

Including videos, trainings, case studies and support through our free private groups. Connect in to see what will work for you! – Get the free stuff here

2. Read our transformative books

Take a look at our books that will help you succeed in this industry: "Fully Booked Without Burnout" and "Your Practice! Your Ticket to Joy, Happiness & Profitability" – Get the books here

3. Elevate your results with a specialist skill

Discover one of these new techniques to improve your results while saving your hands and creating an experience clients will love – Remedial Hot Stones or Gentle Scar Therapy

4. Simplify growing your business

If you'd like to grow into the next level of your business with more confidence, no matter what stage you are right now – Fully Booked Bootcamp or 6 Figure Business Mastery

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