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Marketing Asset

Why Your Unique Treatment Style or Technique is your BEST Marketing ASSET

March 13, 20163 min read

My Name is Elicia from Fully Booked Without Burnout - I'm a business Coach for Massage Therapists.

I help Massage Therapists and Myotherapists get business - so that they understand how grow their business and impact more people with Massage

One of the reasons I started Coaching was because I saw so many great Therapists who totally rock at what they do but they don't know how to utilize social media to attract more of their ideal clients or have the confidence to promote what it is they do.

One of the biggest frustrations I hear from therapists all over the country is that they practice a unique technique or treatment style and they think that this is what holds them back in their marketing.

What they are failing to see is that uniqueness is the golden nugget when it comes to advertising to their clients.

Simon Sinek, the author of Why Great Leaders Start With Why, sums this up beautifully: People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it and the purpose to business is not to do business with everyone but to do business with people who believe what you believe.

Often when we advertise, we get so caught up in what we do – we might treat trigger points, offer MFR, perhaps do some dry needling. We might have health fund rebates available and insurance, and because we know how important it is to be qualified, we put that to.

The problem is is it that nobody (our clients) cares and it doesn’t work. So many people have what I believe to be a gift – its almost like as people are studying something or up skilling, it’s like they already knew it and the workshop was just a reminder, they are learning intuitively. When we take that kind of passion into our marketing and show our clients how it can make a huge impact on their lives, then we can start to get some traction.

3 Ways your can get your message out there are:

  1. Your home page on your website. This is where most people will come when they have searched for you. It’s so important that your story connects with them straight away. You need to be very clear on how what you do for them can help them.

  2. Social Media. Whenever you’re posting on Social Media, you need to be thinking about not only how what you do benefits your client but also what’s in it for them. The golden rule of marketing on Social Media is add value, add value, add value. When you teach people about what they don’t know and you can help them, they don’t mind the occasional massage available today post and they will even find that valuable.

  3. Re Marketing. This is a term used when you are marketing to existing clients. So think of how you can communicate your amazing message to the clients you already have. It can be through in clinic signage, an email campaign or even an SMS. It’s a way connecting in with clients you haven’t seen in a while and reminding them about what you offer.

This is something we teach to our clients who are part of our program. They have found that it increases their engagement which leads to more bookings. When you start to promote your message or your story, you will notice a shift in people who come in for your treatment. It will be people who get what you do before they come through the door.

If this is you, if your reading this thinking, wow, yes, but HOW? Get in touch, I am offering  a FREE 15 min consultations to help ensure Massage therapists across Australia are really ramping up their business in 2016.







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1. Grab the amazing stuff we give away for Free

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2. Read our transformative books

Take a look at our books that will help you succeed in this industry: "Fully Booked Without Burnout" and "Your Practice! Your Ticket to Joy, Happiness & Profitability" – Get the books here

3. Elevate your results with a specialist skill

Discover one of these new techniques to improve your results while saving your hands and creating an experience clients will love – Remedial Hot Stones or Gentle Scar Therapy

4. Simplify growing your business

If you'd like to grow into the next level of your business with more confidence, no matter what stage you are right now – Fully Booked Bootcamp or 6 Figure Business Mastery

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